Thursday, August 18, 2016

Save Time on Our Lunch Workout

image via popsugar
Time your meals and snacks so your stomach is not growling or stuffed when you hit the gym. Between one to two hours before working out, have a carb-packed snack. Think of it like a mini second breakfast: a little granola with skim milk or some trail mix.
Power walk to the gym to jump-start your warm-up and get the thought of working out in your mind. and use this time to take off jewelry and put on heart-rate-monitor.
It also pays to pack a nutritious post-workout lunch the night before. This not only saves time (and money), but also ensures that even though you may be rushed, you're eating the proper amounts of carbs and protein to recover from your quick sweat session.
See more tips on how to get out of the gym quickly here.

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